Enjoy the Ride

“Smile, breathe and go slowly.” - Thich Nhat Hanh

In a key scene of the 1982 science fiction movie “Blade Runner”, Roy Batty, a genetically engineered robot with super-human power but a fixed lifespan, faces his creator and demands more life. His maker tells him that it is impossible to enhance his operating-time and thus rejects Roy’s request with the words: “The light that burns twice as bright burns for half as long and you have burned so very, very brightly.” Subsequently, Roy kills him ...but that’s not the point.

Be  a light that burns for twice as long.

The point is: don’t be the light that burns twice as bright. Don’t be Roy Batty in your training approach. If you are not making a living from your sport then your first aim should always be to enjoy what you do. Joy in terms of sports and training comes from having fun, making progress, feeling better, improving your health and keeping an aesthetic body (whatever that means to you). How you prioritize these goals is up to you but you will enjoy neither of those for a long lapse of time if you always enter the gym with a “go hard or go home” attitude. The goal should be to enjoy your passion for a lifetime. I, for my part, want to be able to step on the mat in my seventies, I want to be able to hit the gym and do chin-ups, deadlifts and squats while my contemporaries attend information events for the retirement home, and I want to be able to kick some youngster’s ass and leave them staggered with a smile on my wrinkled face. Steady, healthy and sane progress is key. I don’t want to burn twice as bright. I don’t want to be Roy Batty.